Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Okay, most recent problem with the Wall Street fiasco. Some fuckin big-wig was up on CNN the other day, (this was during a press conference that CNN was covering) and claimed that while he could incent people to move to the other side of the room, or incent them to perform some sort of physical action, he could not "incent" them to be smarter. Not sure if "incent" is a verb, by the way. But how the hell does that even make any sense? Of course you can incent someone to become smarter. You pay them extra if they seek education in their chosen field. If business is a world that is constantly changing and adapting, then you should incent your fucking executives to train how to adapt and change to their conditions as well. Now granted, people are gonna fuck up. We're all human here. But think about how the public, who aren't educated in the ways of business, look at it. The public gave you BILLIONS of dollars, and you are using to give bonuses to people who have NO tangible evidence or proof that they even deserve this shit. Who the fuck are these executives to be given MILLIONS of extra dollars for doing their fuckng job? Why do they deserve this much extra for accomplishing the minimum tasks that were assigned him? Granted, being the big wig is hard. But that's exactly why these guys get a very high base salary. Now, you business guys reading this may be thinking "But Hayden, what do we do with all this extra money?" You give to someone who actually fucking needs it!!!! Donate to a charity, give it to a random person, I dont know. I'm not that good with ideas about giving money away, cause I need fucking money. I think that overall, a little more common sense will go a long way in the business world.